
세상을 향해 믿음의 씨앗을 튼튼하게 키워가는 청소년

Junior High School

Our junior high ministry is a place where young students can come and gather to encounter the true and living God. We desire to see our students live out their identity and calling in Jesus. Our focus is to prepare our next generation so that they may be fully equipped in the Word of God.

2nd Service: 9:30 AM The Lighthouse 3rd Service: 11:20 AM The Lighthouse


The vision of DSYM High School is to live out God’s greatest commandments: to passionately love God and love people! We believe we were created by God to be known and loved by Him, to return that love and share it with others, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. We seek to be a community wholly devoted to following Christ and shining His light throughout the world.

2nd Service: 9:30 AM The Lighthouse 3rd Service: 11:20 AM DSCP Chapel

• Student Registration From: https://forms.gle/EouV7SmBSKbdrpWZ7
• Student Email Registration/Update Form: https://forms.gle/JpcUwUM4yKegWccE8
• Parent Email Registration/Update Form: https://forms.gle/aJEyDdX5LrCNUAFZA
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d_s_y_m/
• Facebook HSM Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/303499220806404